Companies that specialize in manufacturing or complex technologies face an ongoing challenge: helping new employees overcome a steep learning curve and become proficient in their jobs.

And while high-tech companies undoubtedly employ team members with diverse skill sets and areas of expertise, doing and teaching are distinct skills. An expert is not always a natural teacher. Trainers need guidance, as well as practical tools and techniques, in order to transfer their knowledge to others. Without a structured training framework, companies with the best intentions can end up wasting a large amount of money and resources.

The ICATT Apprenticeship Program developed the Train the Trainer Seminar to address this common problem for ICATT Network Companies. Based on a well-respected German program, which is recognized in 35 countries, the seminar is designed to prepare trainers to work more effectively with apprentices. Over the course of four days, trainers participate in coursework, hands-on activities, and relevant exercises to improve their communication and teaching skills. All ICATT Network Companies are required to have at least one certified trainer at the company.

“We recommend this seminar for any employees who train apprentices or other team members on a regular basis,” said Director of the ICATT Apprenticeship Program Virginia Rounds. “Attendees learn valuable strategies for training and mentoring their apprentices, as well as theory-based tools to help understand which techniques to apply and when.” Topics include: designing an effective training plan, teaching for different learning styles, evaluating ongoing progress, and preparing apprentices for exams.

Training apprentices thoroughly is a process that requires time, patience, and diligence – but it is a worthwhile long-term investment. The Train the Trainer Seminar provides support and direction for trainers, so companies can use their resources wisely and focus on their top priorities.

“Our tool room foreman and I attended the Train the Trainer course to ensure that our apprentice and company maximize the return on money and resources,” said Paul Rimington, Safety Officer, Diemasters Mfg. Inc. “It provided theoretical and hands-on training that will help us integrate ICATT objectives with our company’s objectives. Every ICATT company apprentice sponsor should participate.”

Please contact Geneva Scurek ( for upcoming dates or check our Train the Trainer overview for more details, including dates and registration.